Every student has a unique story, and so I don’t want to imply that there is a formula for how all SGCSs experience faith. The reason I share this (fake) testimony is because there are often unique challenges that Second Generation Christian Students (SGCSs) experience in their journey to faith. But for whatever reason, I remember thinking that I first needed a great testimony for God to use me. It really didn’t occur to me that I would rather avoid jail and serious addiction. But I do remember thinking (as I heard the typical Christian testimonies of God transforming people from broken homes, addictions, prison, gangs, and other religions) that someday God would give me an amazing testimony so I could follow him boldly and make a difference in the world.
Yes, I did first become a Christian at four, but to be honest, I don’t even remember it. Feelings of loneliness, despair and the weight of sin simply overwhelmed me and I hit the end of my rope … and so when I was four years old, I got down on my knees and decided I was going to follow Jesus. And as you can imagine, I hit rock bottom. I was tired of the rules, authority and simply wanted to live life my own way. Even though I grew up in a Christian home, with parents in professional Christian ministry, there was a time that I walked away from God.